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Pinocchio English Course

Open English Course has many supposedly funny ads to show the advantages of an online English course versus a face-to-face one. Because of one of this course's ads, there's a heated discussion on Facebook about its offensive nature against non-native teachers of English.

By the way, the video seems to have been removed. I've tried watching it through different sources, but I couldn't.

I do think the commercial is offensive to non-native EFL teachers. However, more than being offensive, it lies to millions of English learners and prospect students.

I thought the old discussion on native speaker teachers vs. non-native EFL teachers had been forgotten. I frequently talk to clients and students who ask me about the effectiveness of native teachers, but they easily understand that these teachers are not necessarily the best. Quite the contrary, knowing the language and being born in a country where the language is spoken do not mean knowing about the language or having the technique to teach it or having the essential interpersonal competence to deal with students and parents.

Another lie is trying to make students believe that virtual and online courses are more effective than face-to-face courses. There are important technical and methodological factors that make the first type less effective than the latter. So, please, show your advantages and let the consumers decide!

I believe the ad is truly offensive, but I do not think it should be banned.

Their marketing strategy shows the values they hold: mocking professionals, disrespecting the competitors, using ridiculous stereotypes and lying to clients. By banning the commercial I think we are patronizing consumers and assuming they are not able to choose what is best for them, not only the services and products they pay for, but also the values they share.

One may argue that regular people do not share this interpretation of the ad and Pinocchio Open English's posture, but, hey, that's life, that's the market. Each player in the market has to show their clients and prospects their advantages and why they should be chosen, instead of ridicule competitions and professionals.

Here are Vinicius Nobre's - president of BrazTesol National Board - view on the topic and a discussion forum on English Experts.

In a nutshell, ban the ad. Don't think so. Discuss it, yes. Criticize it, yes. Instruct the clients, yes, always! And hopefully, Jiminy Cricket will do its job.

Marcelo Elias


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