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A tribute to people

This is a tribute to these people. 

Not everyone here... some still working.

The day started just like any other Friday, even though I knew it would be a very long  and big day. It wouldn't be like any other Friday.

Some worked all day long to put the party together. Others worked during the week to make the school look beautiful. There were those who planned fun activities to involve the kids. But there was no one, no one who simply did not take part.

At the end, family came to pick them up. Some left to enjoy the rest of the night. Most simply wanted to go home and rest. I hope, however, that everyone left with a fulfilling sensation that it was all worth it. That promoting joy, happiness and laughs to others is a moment to cherish.

It was magical to see these people enjoying time together. The focus were students and parents, but they have the talent to make every moment a moment to share joy, laughs and, for me, moments of personal growth.

In fact, they were able to promote all those memorable moments to the kids because they make their moments together memorable. What happened today is simply what happens every day. It is a reflection of who they are.

This is a tribute to people.

Once, attending a seminar given by Doutores da Alegria, the most valuable lesson I learned - through jokes, obviously - was that we shouldn't keep positive thoughts and feelings to ourselves. Thus, after this long and tiring Friday, I cannot simply go to bed without paying a tribute to these people and to people who make others happy, who make others become better people.



  1. Beautiful and moving! That's the result of perfect leadership: people do engage! They commit themselves and have fun at the same time. Congrats, dear friend!

    1. Thanks, darling. I have to say it was magical.


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