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Just another love story

Cruwel and Saynt have been together for almost a decade now. Two kids, stable relationship. Of course they have their ups and downs, their cycles, but they always come out of it safely.

They seem to think they are meant for each other despite the difficulties. Nothing exceptional.

Recently, Cruwel was surfing the internet, you know, looking for fun stuff to take his mind off the daily troubles. He came across a post on 9gag.

He decided to pose the question to Saynt. She came up with a long list of possibilities: artist, art teacher, biologist working deep into the forest to save endangered animals, bookshop owner and others he could not remember after a few seconds. 

Bookshop owner. This seemed to be the definitive one. A bookshop with several storytelling time throughout the day and maybe with a café. Yes, this is it.

Cruwel was more objective - as usual: I'd be either a sniper or a fighter pilot. The only detail was the jet, probably an F22 Raptor.

Saynt's facial expression said everything and Cruwel instantly understood it, "How can/could we be together."

He hurriedly started thinking how they could be together in this alternate reality. Maybe he - a sniper - would go to her bookshop to buy the latest Top 10 Snipers around the Globe or 501 People to Snipe before you Get Snipped or Snipping 101; the last one, just to check if anything has changed.

No. Saynt was the sweetest woman Cruwel has ever met. No way she would sell these books at her store.

Oh, man, wouldn't we ever meet?

I'm glad that is not our reality. Maybe in an alternate Fringe universe there are a Cruwel and a Saynt who haven't met.

The following day, watching the news together, a journalist was reporting about doctors and nurses who worked in the war - probably Middle East - saving the lives of the thousands and thousands innocent people who got caught in the middle of an irrational dispute.

That's it. That's who I would be, she screamed.

Cruwel was relieved. Now we would meet. I would be either the sniper killing the bad guys and protecting you or the fighter pilot combating the enemy forces to end that war and, of course, protecting the doctors and nurses and saving the innocent.

Saynt would be the selfless doctor. Cruwel would be the hero protecting everyone.

They would definitely meet at a bar after a day full of saving lives. Or at a training session for all the soldiers involved in the battles.

Certainly, after meeting once, Cruwel would look after Saynt and he would do anything to keep her safe.

Yes, they met and have been together for almost a decade now. Two kids, stable relationship...

Marcelo Elias


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