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Teachers and their careers

It's always bothered me that teachers rarely discussed their careers.

I didn't know that. I knew I was bothered by the constant complaints and no action, by the lack of professionalism in TEFL (I have to admit I contributed to it), the superficial view of the profession, the lack of self-professional-esteem.

Only later, when I started studying things not related to TEFL, past the activities, past the techniques, past the methodologies and into managing people, offering excellence, understanding education (not only teaching), I realized what having a career was.

It is more than common to listen to engineers, doctors, administrators, lawyers, project managers discussing their careers. What position they are going to achieve in five, ten years. What company they are going to work for. What salary they are going to receive.

(Does the EFL market provides its professionals with such possibilities?)

I have started a personal crusade, in 2012. To raise EFL teachers' awareness of the aspects related to career planning, career management and career development.

Last Friday, at the One-Day Seminar promoted by the Brasilia Chapter of Braz-Tesol, I used real stories of EFL professionals. My stories and stories of teachers I have worked with. The stories were simply the prompt to clarify concepts such as career x job, mission and vision, T-shaped professionals, careers in Y.

Also, the stories prompted discussions on: entrepreneurship; realizing if one is an EFL professional or simply has a job; the necessity of evolving professionally and being technically updated; choosing between being a school owner or accepting a promotion.

There are no right or wrong answers, no right or wrong opinions.  Sometimes, a simple reflection is important.

In the beginning of my career, I contributed to the lack of professionalism in TEFL. I started teaching because I was offered a job and I thought, "Why not?" It was just a way to make some money. It took me a few years to come to a crucial point. I gave up university and started my career.

To me, understanding our market and knowing the companies that give us jobs is important. Reflecting on the possibilities available for teachers is essential to have a sense of accomplishment (no matter what type of accomplishment one is looking for).

I wish I had had someone to open my eyes to the many different aspect of choosing, starting, managing and developing a career. I now hope to contribute to the EFL community by provoking teachers reflections on their careers.

"If you don't have your plan, someone else if going to make you fit into their plan." Anthony Robbins.


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