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ABCI 2012

Every two years, the Associação Brasileira de Cutluras Inglesas - ABCI promotes a conference for all Culturas Inglesas. This year's ABCI Conference is going to take place in São Paulo, on July 12-14.

I really enjoy doing presentations at conferences and seminars. It is a great way to systematize knowledge, organize ideas and help scaffold my schemata. Then, applying the knowledge is a logical consequence.

In 2010, the branch managers in Brasilia prepared a great presentation on generation Y clients and we presented at the 9th ABCI Conference.

This year, I will fly solo and send a workshop proposal on EFL careers. I have always been profoundly bothered by the fact that some EFL teachers at language courses did not face their jobs professionally. For some teachers it is just a bico.

Aslo, very frequently, not very serious schools do not treat teachers professionally, hiring them as trainees and paying lousy wages.

Well, my point is that teachers should behave more professionally, preparing, behaving, facing their EFL careers as careers, not just as a job.

The provisional title of the workshop is How many careers do teachers have?

Here is the summary of the presentation:

Quite commonly, new teachers have a fuzzy idea of the teaching career. More and more, these teachers feel disappointed at themselves, the school or their groups when they realize what being in the classroom really means. It is also very common to notice that more experienced teachers carry the same disappointment throughout their careers, spreading it to colleagues and students.

As a result of this downfall, teachers very frequently do not value themselves and tend to blame the system, the schools or the government who give these professionals little support. Teachers have to look at their career choice more professionally and take full responsibility for their development. In order to be more valued in the market, EFL professionals have to be aware of their importance, their personal and professional skills, and their career options.

Based on these ideas, this workshop aims at debating the EFL career paths and raising participants’ awareness of their profile, skills and potentials. As a consequence of this discussion, teachers will be able to reflect upon their career and establish (new) professional goals.

To look into career management more deeply, participants will be exposed to basic concepts such as coaching, strategy vs. tactics, personal mission and vision, Y-shaped careers, generation Y professionals, entrepreneurship and T-shaped people. To address these topics, authors such as Odino Marcondes, José Salibi Neto, Sandro Magaldi, Stephen P. Robbins and Michael A. Hitt contribute with important ideas and concepts.

Similarly to the importance of multiple intelligences and learning styles in a classroom, professionals must be able to identify their thinking style and their work preferences to have positive results in their careers.
During this workshop, participants will take profile tests to define their preferential type of activity, take part in group discussions on their career possibilities, establish their mission & vision and design a clear strategy to reach their professional objectives. Finally, participants will come up with a roll of careers they may consider.

The workshop has been designed for beginner EFL professionals or professionals who have little experience in the field. However, more experienced teachers who would like to reflect upon their careers will also profit from this session.

All the best.



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